A sensory ethnography film on being trapped bodies
2018, 25 min.
“Everything in the world is an eater or eaten.”
The film situates the viewer within a makeshift space of an animal market in Algeria. Drifting between feeding and waiting, one attunes to the bodies of goats and camels, the oldest companions of Arab men. As we move deeper into the desert, the site turns into a sacrifice zone and reveals its dark geopolitical secrets.
The sensory ethnography film will invite you to question the banality of displacement, confinement and exploitation in an out-of-sight territory.
Technical Specifications
- English title: In the Devil’s Garden
- Czech title: V ďáblově zahradě
- Genre: sensory ethnography
- Release: October 2020
- Language: Hasaniya Arabic
- Subs available: English, German
- Countries of production: Algeria, Switzerland
- Shooting location: Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
- Runtime: 25 min.
- Format: 2K, 16:9
- Sound: stereo
Film Crew
- Camera, directing and editing: Pavel Borecký
- Location sound: Franziska Voigt
- Translation: Franziska Voigt, Yolanda Schroeder, Hamdi Salek
- Academic consultants: Kersti Uibo, Michaela Schaeuble
Institute of Social Anthropology UNIBE
Festival selections:
- Regard Bleu – Switzerland
- Freiburg Film Forum – Germany
- RAI Film Festival – UK
- Festival do Filme Etnográfico do Recife – Brasil
- Athens Ethnographic Film Festival – Greece
- Kratovo Film Festival – Macedonia
- Humano Film Festival – Mexico
- Antropofest – CZ
- EthnoKino – Switzerland
- Vizantrop – Serbia
- Festival of Ethnological Films – Serbia
- ASA 2018 – Sociality, Matter, and the Imagination (Oxford, UK)
- RAI Film Festival Conference – Expanding the Frame (Bristol, UK)
- IUAES Inter-Congress – World Solidarities (Poznan, Poland)
Trailer and Full film

Behind-the-scenes photographs