A series of videos for Tallinn’s urban development lab
“Asphalt vs vision: a brief but intense exchange with the Lab solidified my research interests in Estonia.”
- Client: Linnalabor
- Duration: 2014
- Outcome: 3 videos
- My role: cinematographer and editor
- Key words: city development, urban activism, quality of life
Founded in 2006, Linnalabor NGO is Estonia’s leading competence centre of urban thought and action.
Supporting rising neighbourhood activism in Tallinn, the organisation provided research and analytical capacities to improve the living environment, public space and neighbourly relations.
Main mission: to improve the art of urban living, the quality of urban space and promote value-based urban policies.
Lasnaidee: Tallinn neighbourhood enthusiasts as the experts of local life (3 min.)
Linnalabor’s entry to The Guardian competition “World Cities Day Challenge 2014.”
Lasnaidee: What about the Mayor? (1 min.)
What is Tallinn’s best idea? Teaser video of Linnalabor’s entry.
Grand Lasnamäe: Urban Walk (6 min.)
The festival and urban art event “Grand Lasnamäe” brings temporary site-specific artworks to Tallinn’s largest panel housing district Lasnamäe in the Autumn of 2014.
The aim was to create awareness of the urban environment and to inspire the residents to see their surroundings in a new light.
Behind-the-scenes photographs