Project Type: Commissioned
Chemistry Gallery
A collaboration with the leading contemporary art gallery in Prague “This gallery is a lift for the up-and-coming artists that put street art on a cultural map of Central Europe.” Street art at Narodni trida Prague (2012, 4 min.) On 22-24 June, Point, Pasta Oner, Tron and X-dog created the biggest street art piece in…
Wall Street Prague
A creative documentation of the first edition of Prague’s mural art street festival “What a joy to follow these fantastic artists up close. Surprisingly, six climate stories emerged in their murals…” Wall Street Prague Festival Six unique murals – large-scale paintings in public space – were created in Prague between June and September 2022. The…
Empowering Spaces
An “emptiness” videos for the international policy-oriented programme “What have deindustrialisation, turbo-capitalism and economic recession done to the Baltics? Together with local urbanists, we set to ACT against detrimental consequences.” Empowering Spaces According to the United Nations, less than a million people will live in Estonia by the end of this century. The population is…
A documentary film on swimming together “I was struck by the purity of energy and joy put into this collective play called ‘Czech male synchronised swimming team’.” Krasoplavci in Milan “If women play football and ice hockey, or do boxing and lift weights, why can’t men stir the waters of typically women’s sports?” What started…
Extinction Rebellion
A raising-awareness video to support a global environmental movement “Personal is political. During my stay in Bern, I contributed to non-violent direct action against environmental destruction.” Extinction Rebellion: Why Do We Rebel? (3 min.) One man connects with the mountain to support the Extinction Rebellion movement. In the Spring of 2020, Pavel Borecky runs up…
Estonian Urban Lab
A series of videos for Tallinn’s urban development lab “Asphalt vs vision: a brief but intense exchange with the Lab solidified my research interests in Estonia.” Linnalabor Founded in 2006, Linnalabor NGO is Estonia’s leading competence centre of urban thought and action. Supporting rising neighbourhood activism in Tallinn, the organisation provided research and analytical capacities…
Athletics Prague
A series of promo campaigns for Prague sport club “As a former player, I enjoyed the challenge of both documenting key moments and inspiring the team performance of my friends.” MOBILIZATION In order to invite floorball fans and boost A-team’s morals before the upcoming match, the club ordered the creation of a special campaign. 19/01/2013,…
Virtual University of the Third Age
An innovative educational programme for the Czech seniors “Bringing higher education closer to people and using a film to create an environment of learning and mutuality, I loved that.” What is the University of the Third Age? In the Czech Republic, people reach retirement age in relatively good physical and mental condition. However, maintaining fitness…