Save the Arches

A short documentary film on urban activism

2016, 24 min.

“Living together”

The only public art piece in the post-soviet residential district is about to be destroyed. Can activists, politicians and private company find a solution?


„Save the Arches“ introduces Lasnaidee, the young generation of urban activists in Tallinn. The core of their struggle becomes the preservation of five concrete arches in Lasnamäe, a panel housing district known as „Russian-speaking“ and „monotonous“. 

What begins as a lost case turns into a collaboration between citizens, the city and the company. Will they manage to move the arches to a new location?

Technical Specifications

  • Original title: Save the Arches
  • Genre: an observational documentary film
  • Language: English, Estonian, Russian
  • Subs available: English

  • Country of production: Estonia
  • Shooting location: Tallinn
  • Runtime: 24 min.
  • Format: 16:9 Full HD 
  • Sound: stereo

Film Crew

  • Director, researcher and camera: Pavel Borecký
  • 2nd camera: Aleksey Siman
  • Location sound: Peter Trudolubov
  • Producer: Georgius Misjura (Vita Pictura)
  • Academic supervisors: Carlo Cubero, Kersti Uibo, Riho Västrik


School of Humanities of Tallinn University, Baltic Film and Media School of Tallinn University, Vita Pictura Productions

Behind-the-scenes visuals