Category: Book
Czech Countrymen
A rich collective monograph that looks into a daily life of Czech compatriots 2009, CULS Prague “My first blood. Serious ethnographic fieldwork turned into a wild journey across the Balkans and a history of living ‘Czechness’.” Countrymen: Seeking for Czech Footprints in Eastern Europe What is the current situation of the Czech expatriate communities in…
Renewal of Czech-German Border Landscape
A trilingual book on changing the destiny of wounded landscape 2015, Plzeň 2015, o.p.s. “As a participation specialist, I witnessed how land art can generate focused energy and create a transition momentum.” Renewal of Czech-German Border Landscape Wiederbelebung der deutsch-tschechischen Grenzlandschaft Obnova krajiny česko-německého pohraničí The trilingual book documents the international landscape architecture competition, which…
Why the World Needs Anthropologists
A collection of essays on social value and practical application of Social Anthropology 2020, Routledge “This book tells stories of the prominent ‘applied anthropologists’ and shows how to involve your local social scientist. Go and get it.” Why the World Needs Anthropologists Why does the world need anthropology and anthropologists – now perhaps more than…
On Social Innovations
A handbook of support the mainstreaming of social innovation methodology in the Czech Republic 2015, Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs “How to drive positive change? I poured some social theory into this hands-on guidebook for future revolutionaries.” Social Innovations for the Curious, Courageous and Creative Everyone can start to write a better story.…